Learning lexicon through the ICTs: Informatics applications for PFL
lexicon, information and communication technologies (ICT), portuguese as a foreign language (PFL)Abstract
In the process of learning a foreign language, the student is expected to develop language skills in order to learn to communicate. This process involves many aspects, among which the study of the lexicon is considered one of the most important. Learning the lexicon of a foreign language, in our case Portuguese as a foreign language, requires perseverance, motivation and memorisation. Thus, in order to promote the development of the lexical competence of our students in an autonomous way, we have carried out a selection of specific computer applications for learning the vocabulary of Portuguese as a foreign language. For the creation of the final corpus, we based on the theoretical assumptions about the role of memory, about time-spaced learning and about the importance of repetition and revision of the lexicon. On this basis, it was possible to develop a corpus consisting of ten apps, two specific Apps for the European Portuguese variant and eight for the Brazilian Portuguese variant.
Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Portugal).
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