Digital methodological pathways applied in literary education


  • Ana Luísa Ribeiro University of Minho
  • Ana Martins Iriarte University of Minho
  • Inês Amorim Dias University of Minho
  • Fátima Cabo Mendes University of Minho
  • Nancy Amaral Gonçalves University of Minho


literary education, lower secondary, digital interface, pre-reading


In order to improve and help lower secondary students in the interpretation of literary texts according to the New Program and Curricular Goals of Portuguese, in the field of Literary Education, a digital interface was developed, consisting of two digital methodological paths to assist text analysis in the pre-reading period. The first path focuses on the student's choice of a book, using a method of linking exercises, centered on reading and sentimental connotation of the synopses and titles of the literary works. The second path focuses on carrying out an exercise to analyze an excerpt and consequent title, through the creation of word clouds. This digital interface helps students to prepare for the 9th grade national exam, as well as to interpret books, encouraging reading through a diversified process.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, A. L., Iriarte, A. M., Dias, I. A., Mendes, F. C., & Gonçalves, N. A. (2021). Digital methodological pathways applied in literary education . Revista De Teste, 2(1). Retrieved from