Didactic approach using ICT to teach Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL)
language teaching, information and communication technologies (ICT), portuguese as a foreign language (PFL), literary canonAbstract
This study aims to show a didactic approach to teach Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL). This approach uses Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) make easier the study of classic books from Portuguese literature. For this purpose, we have chosen the classical-literature book Vidas Secas, written by Graciliano Ramos. We have chosen the task-based language teaching (TBLT) methodology which supported us in using these modern and important tools in PFL classes. We concluded that the use of ICT is highly effective to study canonical texts, since they are a not only versatile a useful resource to language learning with communicative approach but also challenging in respect to their inclusion in PFL classes. We conclude that bringing students closer than this kind of texts using ICT can increase their motivation and interest for classical literature.
Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Portugal).
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